Simple bouquet for the house or use as a DIY table arrangement. Whatever it’s for, you can make this arrangement in minutes and you’re left with a beautiful fragrant surprise.
dried lavender (I found mine again at Sequoia Floral. You can usually find this at your local floral supply store or online. You might try Lavender Bee Farm.)
8” cylinder glass vase (you can get at any fabric/flower supply store or just use on that you have sitting around. I got mine at Sequoia Floral for $2.95.
7.75” cylinder glass vase (you can get at any fabric/flower supply store or just use on that you have sitting around. I got mine at Sequoia Floral for $2.95.
First start by stripping the roses of their leaves and cut to the desired length. Next place the 7.75” cylinder vase inside the 8” cylinder vase already filled with water. Then, simply pour the lavender into the space between both vases and evenly spread out around the diameter so the lavender is the same level around the entire vase. Lastly place the roses into the 7.75” vase and you’re done. Quick, simple, and beautiful as can be! Enjoy!