diy easter baskets

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diy easter baskets
Currently I have a love/hate relationship with my hot glue gun. After putting these together last night, I have about three small battle wounds on my hand and fingers. But, with that said, it was totally worth it! Here are two ideas for easy, and cheap, custom Easter basket. All you need is time and a few supplies.

basket (You can get at almost any craft/supply store and you don’t need the most expensive. Mine were $6.95. I found them at my Floral Supply Store)
ribbon (You can get at any craft/supply store. I used Jute, plain white, black and white dotted, and pink ribbon. I found them at Michaels)
glue gun (be careful)
buttons & letters if desired (You can get at any craft/supply store. I found mine at Michaels)

options one (Madeline’s basket): First I found the circumference of the basket where the ribbon would wrap around the easiest, and then glued the ribbon to the basket, generously spreading the glue onto the ribbon. Once the ribbon is all the way around the basket, finish off the end piece by folding a nice crease and glue down. Then take your next ribbon (if you would like one to go in the middle of the current ribbon) and repeat the same steps as you did with the previous ribbon. Next, take your letters and evenly space them on the front of the basket, either spelling your little ones name, initials, etc. (note: I was a little off on one side, so I added an extra button to even out the spacing. Just work with what you have to make it look nice). Next, on the top rim of the basket, I wrapped Jute tightly around to make it so Madeline had a nice soft area to hold the basket from. To finish, just tie your ribbon into a nice bow in the middle of the top rim and you’re done!

option two (Caleb’s basket):
First I found the circumference of the basket where the ribbon would wrap around the easiest, and then glued the ribbon to the basket, generously spreading the glue onto the ribbon. Once the ribbon is all the way around the basket, finish off the end piece by folding a nice crease and glue down. Next, take your other ribbon (if you would like one to go in the middle of the current ribbon) and repeat the same steps as you did with the previous ribbon (note: originally I used the first initial of Caleb’s name, but found it to be a little too plain. So, I changed it by spelling out his entire name. Just fool around with it, and again go with what you like best). Next, on the top rim of the basket, I wrapped Jute around tightly to make it so Caleb had a nice soft area to hold the basket from. Then, you’re done and ready for the Easter Egg Hunt! Have fun!